Our story: The start-up RoBo®Tec was founded by the family-owned company Bock Bio Science. Plants have been our passion for almost 100 years. Breeding, in vitro and horticultural propagation and production are in our blood. Sweat and, yes, sometimes tears are among the ingredients from which our success was born, and we are proud of that.
Bock stands synonymous to innovation. Our idea for RoBo®Cut steems from our experience as the longest-standing and most renowned tissue culture laboratory. More than 10 years ago, the idea was born. As incredible as the idea sounds, it is clear that it can only be solved by real plant specialists. It takes much more than a daring vision and a machine - after all every plant is individual. For automation specialists individuality presents a unique challenge that is regarded as one of the greatest as well. Normally, automation works best when almost identical workpieces are repeatedly processed millions of times. The RoBo®Cut process will only perform when the necessary intelligence is implanted in the machine. This translation of plant knowledge into software code is our particular strength at RoBo®Tec.
»RoBo®Tec revolutionizes the global agri- and horticulture industry by setting the new standard in autonomous plant propagation.«
»Producing better plants is our goal. Through our autonomous, AI-driven automated and sterile production systems, the world's plant propagators will achieve safe quality faster.
Sustainable systems from the RoBo®Cut family reduce CO2 emissions worldwide and enable our local customers to produce onshore fairly for their own markets.«
In vitro production of plants is growing by 12% annually. More and more plant species are being produced in the laboratory. RoBo®Cut enables efficient production of:
- Ornamental plants such as orchids, perennials and woody plants
- Food crops such as potatoes, soft fruits and bananas
- Crop plants for biomass production such as eucalyptus, Chinese reed and bamboo
- Medicinal plants such as cannabis, papaver or artemisia
and many more ...